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  • Writer's pictureBirch Tree Staff

Welcome to Birch Tree Publishing

First off, we here at Birch Tree Publishing would like to thank you for finding your way to our site and taking an interest in our new small publishing company. We are just getting up and going but we have big plans for the future and even bigger aspirations.

At this time, we are no longer taking submissions from any more authors and will not until sometime in 2020. We want to have everything locked down so we can offer the easiest path to publishing as possible and give our authors a clear path to success. As a small press publisher in the ever-changing book publishing world, we are trying to figure out what services and publishing options we should offer.

As we build our house and staff it with passionate talent please be patient with us. Soon we will be adding things to our site like sales links, merchandise and event information. If you haven't already please sign up and to get on our mailing list.

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